About Us
Governance and strategy is focused on achieving our mandate set out in the VQA Act with integrity and transparency. Consumers can rely on VQA wines to deliver authenticity rooted in origin and quality.
The Appellation Authority, designated as the “Wine Authority" under Ontario’s Vintners Quality Alliance Act, is responsible for the administration of the Act. It establishes and governs Ontario’s appellation of origin system for grape wines. The VQA Act prescribes the duties and powers of the wine authority. Act. Regulations under the VQA Act establish winemaking and labelling standards and reporting requirements for wineries. These regulations are made by the Ontario government. As the delegated authority responsible for the VQA Act , VQA Ontario may make rules that govern the processes and fees for wine evaluation and testing, inspection frequency and other procedural rules.
The main feature of the VQA Act is to establish a regulated appellation system where wine producers must meet a specified standard and seek the approval of the wine authority before they may label wines with related terms. The regulated terms include wine appellation names and methods of production, such as Icewine. A compliance regime is also set out under the Act including provision for audits and inspections, compliance orders, hearings and fines of up to $100,000 per offence.
Corporate Bylaws set out key governance structures, membership rules and corporate proceedings. The Authority is governed by an independent Board of Directors elected from the regulated industry and appointed by the Ontario government.
Administrative Agreement
The government, through the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is responsible for governing legislation and regulations, appointing and providing oversight of the Appellation Authority. The relationship between the Authority and the Ministry is set out in an Administrative Agreement, covering the roles and responsibilities of the two parties.
The Ontario Wine Appellation Authority has developed a strategic plan aimed at building a dynamic, inclusive and trusted appellation system, supported by quality standards and label integrity. It will protect consumers by enforcing labelling regulations, improving recognition and knowledge about Ontario's appellations, and engage its stakeholders to ensure effective management of the regulatory system.
VISION | Consumers trust Ontario’s wine appellation system to make informed decisions on the wine they drink | |||
MISSION | Ensure value, integrity and authenticity in Ontario's evolving appellation system and diverse wine landscape | |||
STRATEGY | ENGAGE our stakeholders | EVOLVE our regulatory framework | EDUCATE our consumers | EXECUTE our mandate |
- Annual Report
- Business Plan
- Corporate policies:
Directors remuneration statement: Directors do not receive remuneration for serving on the Ontario Wine Appellation Authority Board.